Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hawaii Worst Traffic in Entire Country

Just so we're clear, Hawaii has not been named the most "congested" city. That honor would belong to L.A. with Hawaii coming in a humble 38th. 

It is when we compare optimal drive time with drive time during peak traffic hours that Hawaii wins hands down. Apparently, it takes as much as 88% more time to get where you want to go during peak congestion than it would during non-peak hours.   I think we all suspected as much, but here's how the Star-Bulletin put it:

"INRIX, a privately held Seattle-based corporation, yesterday released its National Traffic Scorecard, and ranked Honolulu as having the worst drive-time travel time in the nation.'Travel time' means comparing the amount of time driving during a peak traffic period to a noncongested period". The headline they ran for this story was a watered-down "Honolulu traffic among worst in U.S." (http://archives.starbulletin.com/2008/06/18/news/story02.html)

The local media has kept the buzz going on this story and as recently as last week KGMB upped the ante running with the headline "Honolulu Worst Traffic in Entire Country" (http://kgmb9.com/main/content/view/10729/40/)

You'd think these latest headlines would be a rallying point for the mayor and for rail folks but I saw Hanneman on the morning news the other day and he didn't mention anything about Hawaii's dramatic new title. Maybe he's not mentioning it because the ridiculous drive times have something to the do with Hawaii's  other distinction as having "2nd worst [roads] in nation" (http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2008/Mar/13/ln/hawaii803130345.html)

Not sure. I just hope the referendum on rail passes today. 

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